Fleas and ticks are dangerous nuisances that can take shelter in your pet’s fur and make their way into your home. These harmful critters can be found anywhere, particularly in humid, shaded outdoor spaces, making it easy for your pet to cross paths with them at any given time. That’s why it’s essential to have a flea and tick prevention plan in place for your pet.
Understanding Flea and Tick Prevention
The market for flea and tick medication is plentiful. You can choose from over-the-counter or prescription topicals and oral treatments that can be applied daily, monthly, or several times per year. This medication protects your pet against mild to severe health hazards and combats the occurrence of infestations inside your home.
Flea and Tick Related Health Conditions
Fleas and ticks are known to carry harmful diseases that are easily transmitted to you or your pets when they draw blood from your body. Some of the diseases associated with fleas include Murine Typhus, cat-scratch disease, spotted fever, and various tapeworm diseases. Ticks are the culprit known for spreading Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia, amongst others.
Although fleas and ticks may not always cause chronic conditions, mild cases can still bring a great deal of discomfort. Less severe flare-ups may include allergic reactions and skin irritations, which should still be checked out by a veterinary professional.
Being Proactive About Flea and Tick Medication
Any pet that has the freedom to venture outdoors, whether openly or in a gated yard, should be protected by flea and tick medication. Your trusted veterinarian can recommend the most effective flea and tick prevention for your pet’s unique needs to ensure they remain healthy, happy, and safe for as long as possible.
Contact your local veterinarian today to schedule an appointment to discuss your pet’s flea and tick medication.