Do you wish you could spend all day with your dog, playing and interacting? While this scenario is not practical for most dog owners, there is a way that you can ensure that your dog receives exercise, stimulation, and attention throughout the day, even when you’re at work: doggy day camp. Continue reading for an overview of why this is a great option for your canine companion.
If you leave your dog at home alone during your workday, he is likely to become bored and lonely. After all, he might have to spend anywhere from eight to 10 hours at home by himself. At doggy day camp, your dog will be monitored at all times. He won’t go long stretches without relieving himself, and he’ll be able to play and interact with the doggy day camp attendants.
When you bring your canine to doggy day camp, you give him the opportunity to meet and interact with other dogs. Many doggy day camps have large play areas where well-mannered dogs can play throughout the day. Your dog will be able to learn important social cues from his interactions with other dogs.
One of the top benefits of sending your four-legged friend to doggy day camp is physical activity. At doggy day camp, your dog will easily tire himself out as he plays with toys, the employees, and the other dogs there. When you pick up your dog at the end of the day, he’ll be worn out and happy. This means that your pup will be calmer and a better companion at home.
Along with ensuring that your dog gets regular exercise, attention, and socialization, it’s essential that you bring him to a local veterinarian for routine checkups. Give us a call today at 763-544-4141 to find out how we can assist with boarding and vet visits.