
Mon – Fri: 7:30 AM – 6 PM
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

(763) 544-4141
9200 49th Avenue N
New Hope MN 55428

What to Know About Pet Anxiety

As a pet parent, you don’t want to see their pet struggle with anxiety. However, many cats and dogs experience some form of nervousness or anxiety, and it’s critical to learn how to manage it so they can live healthy, happy lives. Read on to learn more about anxiety in pets and how you can take steps to take care of your furry friend.

What causes anxiety in pets?

Various factors can trigger anxiety in your pet. These include loud noises (thunderstorms, fireworks), being left alone (separation anxiety), unfamiliar people or animals, changes in the environment, or even past traumatic experiences.

Pets can’t tell us what they’re feeling, so they rely on behavioral signals. Dogs may pace, whine, bark excessively, or display destructive behavior. Cats might hide, over-groom, urinate outside their litter box, or exhibit other changes in behavior.

How can I manage my pet’s anxiety?

There are many ways you can help to manage your cat or dog’s anxiety. Some management strategies include:

●       Creating a safe space: Your pet needs to feel safe in order to calm their nerves. While they should feel comfortable throughout your home, It can help to create a space that is solely for your pet. Fill it with their favorite toys and cozy blankets to help them feel at ease. This area doesn’t have to be huge–it can simply be a cozy nook or corner of a room.

●       Have consistent routines: Pets may feel anxious when they don’t know what to expect day to day. A predictable routine can give your pet a sense of security, alleviating anxiety. Regular feeding times, consistent walks, and structured play times are especially helpful.

●       Talk to your veterinarian: If you notice persistent signs of anxiety, it’s crucial to seek professional advice. Your veterinarian can rule out any underlying health issues, suggest behavioral modifications, or even prescribe medication if needed.

Contact Your Veterinarian Today!

If your pet is struggling with anxiety, please don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian today. They can perform an evaluation of your pet’s mental health and help you find the best strategies to manage their stress.